Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Being a Girl

Growing up, I did not like being a girl. The males in my life were powerful. They could take from me and I wasn’t strong enough to protect myself.

As an adult, I see the wonder and power that is woman and am delighted to be one. God is my protection; in Him, all my needs are met and I am strong. Being a girl, a woman, is a high calling with supernatural benefits. God made no mistakes in creating us.

God certainly did not create woman to be of a lower class than man. Man and woman are of God, made in His glorious likeness and image. He would never have created us to be used, His glory cheapened. The differences of God’s children are meant to reveal unique aspects of His glory on the earth. The light of His glory should never be put under a bushel (Mt. 5:15). The abuse of girls, of women, throughout the world is unconscionable

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My Heart is Full

There's nothing on earth that didn't come through God(John 1:3, Col. 1:16). This is why anything I need, I can receive through Him too.  He created everything and every person.  He's the source of the love that flows through every person...

He truly is my source of all. If I lacked parental care, I can crawl up into Abba's lap and receive His parental care. My heart is full. If I need a friend, the Holy Spirit fills my need. My heart is full. Whatever it is, the provision is available to receive. 

I love to spend time with God simply enjoying our relationship. Jesus practiced spending time alone with God (Mark 1:35,Luke 5:16, Matt. 26:36). The more it becomes my practice, the more consistent my life.  My heart remains full.

I wish everyone knew God in this way, that their hearts were full. The Holy Spirit leads one to this relationship and transformation. I cannot carry the care of hearts in need, the care belongs to The Lord (1 Peter 5:7).  I can share who I am and what I have.  I can share the fullness of my heart and speak of the wonder of God (Mark 16:15). It is my privilege and honor to do so.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hush Voices

I need not ponder and wonder and worry about things.  I can ask the Holy Spirit.

For example, earlier today distant voices were accusing me of failure. Maybe I am detached.  Maybe my emotional growth is stunted.  Does anyone really know how to love…

Hush voices, I know how to love.  God’s love has been shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5).

1 Corinthians 13:4-8a reads:
Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.

Looking back over my walk with God, I see significant growth in the qualities listed in these verses.

Again, I need not ponder and wonder and worry about things.  I can ask the Holy Spirit.  He doesn’t speak in innuendos, He speaks truth in love.

I love this life!

Copyright 2013  Leah Lambert Smith

Monday, June 3, 2013

Learning in a Way That's Uniquely Me

I wanted to be a chemist.  I'm constantly curious; I love the process of questioning, experimenting, learning...

I didn't become a chemist, but I'm realizing that I apply the same motivation to learning about God.  When I hear of some new aspect of God that I haven't experienced, my faith responds.  I determine to see how it works.  I practice (experiment with) living it out in my life through faith.  I experience my beliefs.

For example, if I see myself seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6), how can that work out experientially in my life?  If I'm to do what I see the Father do (John 5:19), how do I live a lifestyle of seeing what God does and doing it?

I love the process of learning these things. 

I love this life!

Copyright 2013  Leah Lambert Smith

No Throw-Aways

God is the giver of life.  Every person is formed and fashioned out of his love (Psalm 139).  

One day when I was irritated with people in general, I realized that out of respect for God, I should be respecting each person with whom I come in contact.  Out of respect for God's love and honor for people, I should love and honor people. People needn't deserve my respect, my love.  It's my choice to give out of my covenant relationship with God.

In Luke 15, Jesus tells 3 stories about the value of the lost.  A man searching for a lost sheep, a woman searching for a lost coin and a father waiting for his lost son to return.  Each story was a picture of God's desire for us to rejoice with Him when the lost is found.  The stories show great value attributed to the lost. 

Luke 19:10 reads, "for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost."  

The ultimate value placed on the lost was the life of Jesus. 

I must value them accordingly.

There are no throw-away people.
Copyright 2012  Leah Lambert Smith