Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Value of the Lost

In Luke 15:2, Pharisees and scribes complain that Jesus is receiving sinners and eating with them. Strong’s Concordance shows that the word translated sinners, G268, comes from another word, G264, meaning simply “to miss the mark.” Jesus then tells three stories which show the great value He attributes to those who have missed the mark (Lk 15:3-32).

Jesus says that whenever a change of heart occurs (repentance) in a“sinners”, heaven celebrates. He speaks of them as beloved treasures that are lost. There is no rest until each treasure is found; then celebration is required. Jesus ends each of the three stories with an invitation to friends and neighbors to celebrate also.  

Jesus continues in Luke 16 to tell stories chastising the religious leaders for their greed and lack of concern for the people. That which God considers treasure is not at all what they consider treasure.

I cried the day I realized I would have made the perfect Pharisee, full of judgment and scorn. The Pharisees had no idea they were the ones truly lost, truly missing the mark. I had been equally clueless. However, when a Pharisee has a change of heart (repentance) heaven celebrates. That is the love of God.

“for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Lk 19:10 NASB)

Copyright 2013  Leah Lambert Smith