Friday, June 22, 2012

Lift Your Voices

In a course about the physics of music I learned about each individual's unique voiceprint. Even the best impersonators cannot fool science. The lesson reminded me of an occurence (a God-vision?) which happened many years before. 

It was late at night and I couldn't sleep for the sheer joy of my blessings. I was beside the greatest husband ever. My amazing toddler was asleep in the adjoining room. A precious about-to-be-born child wriggled within me. I was silently singing worship songs and telling God of my thankfulness and joy. 

Suddenly, my body rose from the bed, went up into heaven and - plop! I was standing on a circular riser in a spot which I knew had been designated just for me. The risers went up as far as I could see and went down to a bright light. All around me were various creatures, angels and people praising God together. I couldn't understand what they were singing, but the song I was singing fit right in. 

Overwhelmed by the sights and sounds, my singing wavered.  Until, in the midst of the bright light, God turned his head to the right and said, 

"Do you hear that voice? That's my daughter, Leah. Isn't she beautiful?"

I couldn't believe it! He noticed when my voice joined the throng!

I threw my shoulders back and lifted my head!  I sang as loud and strong as I could!  My God was paying attention to my voice!

I love this life!!! 

Copyright 2012 Leah Lambert Smith

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Do I Melt?

My husband's voice melts me.  

I just realized that the voice of God isn't melting me as often as it should.  I hear my friend, my counselor, my king...I'm not hearing my lover.  I have to change that!  

I must protect time and energy to love Him - to sing to Him and dream of Him.  I should always see Jesus as the lover of my soul, as my betrothed.  He died out of love for me.  He lives out of love for me.  I must open my eyes and ears to stay aware of His Love.  End from beginning, that's who He is and this passion is the basis of our relationship.

I should continually experience every blessing of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

I love this life!
Copyright 2012  Leah Lambert Smith

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Proverbs 13:12
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life.

Could this scripture be telling me to protect my heart by placing my hope carefully?  Is this a warning to keep me from placing my hope in circumstances, people, etc.?

I will place my hope in the most high God.

I love this life.

Copyright 2012  Leah Lambert Smith

Needs - Met!

I questioned God regarding a lack I had once felt.  He said I'd forgotten about the lack because He'd been taking care of it.  

I often revisit this insight into the character and love of my Father.  He doesn't always blatantly meet my need.  Sometimes He so gently meets it, I'm unaware of the change. 

It reminded me of a TV show highlighting the tasks servants perform for guests of England's queen.  Their work was generally done behind the scenes.  The guests were often unaware of what was being done because their needs were  anticipated and met before being discerned.

I love this life.

Copyright 2012  Leah Lambert Smith

Friday, June 15, 2012

Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

Matthew 22:36-40 (Amplified Bible):
36 Teacher, which kind of commandment is great and important (the principal kind) in the Law? [Some commandments are light—which are heavy?]
37 And He replied to him, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind (intellect).
38 This is the great (most important, principal) and first commandment.
39 And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as [you do] yourself.
40 These two commandments sum up and upon them depend all the Law and the Prophets.

Love God first, then love those around you.  That is how I understood the above Bible verses for most of my life.  However, verse 39 reads to love your neighbor as yourself.  That is, I have a level of love for myself and I should not love my neighbor at a lower level.

That was news to me.  I thought Christianity taught that I was to value myself below that of my neighbor.   However, God doesn't love or value me below anyone else.  He loves us all the same.

I may choose to set another ahead of me, but that is my choice; it doesn’t devalue me.  Service to others is a high calling.  Jesus was a beautiful example of a servant-king, and He would do only what He saw His father do. He set high value on his purpose and did not do things just because some religious idea said that he should.

My life and relationships have become much healthier since I began loving my neighbor as I love myself.   

I love this life.

Copyright 2012  Leah Lambert Smith

 6-24-12   Just saw this tweet from a preacher, "J.O.Y.= JESUS first... OTHERS second, YOURSELF last. "  I see what this is trying to say, but God does not put me last.  I agree with Him.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Overcoming Anger

The knot of anger in my gut was incessant.  I overcame it by asking myself this question:

What are you afraid of?

Anger is based in fear.  Naming the fear turns it from some dark, heavy, uncontainable fog into something I can manage.  Comparing the power of the fear to the power of God, who banishes fear - the anger dissipates.

What are you afraid of?

Sometimes I've argued with the question.  I’d explain that I wasn’t afraid of anything.  The problem wasn’t with me but was with a person or situation.  No, the question remains appropriate.  Anger abides within one’s own soul.  I’ve always discovered a fear as the root of my anger. 

What are you afraid of?

I rarely get angry any more.  If I do, I deal with it quickly by asking the magic question.  God's power is always greater.  The anger ebbs away.  Peace is restored.

By the way, the times I struggled to name the fear, I’d ask God for wisdom.  He always enlightened me.

 I love this life.

Copyright 2012  Leah Lambert Smith

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Answers, please.

Job 42:1-6 (The Message):
 Job answered God: "I'm convinced: You can do anything and everything.
   Nothing and no one can upset your plans. 
You asked, 'Who is this muddying the water,
   ignorantly confusing the issue, second-guessing my purposes?'
I admit it. I was the one. I babbled on about things far beyond me,
   made small talk about wonders way over my head.
You told me, 'Listen, and let me do the talking.
   Let me ask the questions. You give the answers.'
I admit I once lived by rumors of you;
   now I have it all firsthand—from my own eyes and ears!
I'm sorry—forgive me. I'll never do that again, I promise!
   I'll never again live on crusts of hearsay, crumbs of rumor." 

I try to remember the lessons of Job when I approach God frustrated by my lack of understanding.  I can rest in God's faithfulness regardless of my questions.  Peace says the answers will come or the questions will leave.  Either way is fine.  In God, end from beginning, all is well.

It took some time for me to learn that.  My craving to understand would resist God's peace.  The revelation I seek will come eventually.  The truths of God are not hidden from me but for me.  Job 42:5 in the Amplified version of the Bible reads (Job speaking to God), " I had heard of You [only] by the hearing of the ear, but now my [spiritual] eye sees You."  It's a humbling honor to see the God of love and peace.  Confusion and misunderstanding melt away.

I love this life

Copyright 2012  Leah Lambert Smith 

Monday, June 11, 2012

I Love This Life.

I love this life.

My life is always changing for the better.  Differences between the life I used to have and the one I live now are profound.  My foundation is the wonder of God. 

To believe or not believe in God wasn’t a complicated decision for me.  I came to a fork in the path and chose this way because it seemed low-risk.  I had nothing to lose, everything to gain (thank you, Jesus).  The more I walked forward, the more committed I became.  I began to know God.  I began to realize that He loves me.  I learned about salvation, righteousness, grace…words that before meant nothing to me.  I learned about the Holy Spirit.  He’s now my teacher and dearest friend.  He’s witty and fun.  He’s also an amazing counselor, always ready to talk.

I love this life.

The changes have not all been easy, but I’m grateful I committed to this path.  Many more opportunities for growth and change and love lie ahead.

I say it all the time -

                              I   love   this   life!

Copyright 2012   Leah Lambert Smith

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Dump

What should I do when someone dumps negativity on me?

        1) Never respond to a negative with a negative.

        2) For those focused on the negative, remind them
            who they are - the beloved of God.

I'm not to judge the dumps.  I'm not to carry them.  I'm to encourage my friend to look up with me.  The negative is minimized when the glorious is maximized. 

If I ever dump on you, please remind me who I am.

I love this life.

Copyright 2012
Leah Lambert Smith

Friday, June 8, 2012


Hurts in my past left me trusting no one.  I labored over my protective walls adding to their thickness, berating myself when new hurts broke through.  As my walls thickened my life within withered.  In my attempt to survive, I was meticulously creating my tomb. 

But God is life.  He had started a good work in me and He brings His work to completion.  He is the author and finisher of my faith.  I simply had to allow God to do His thing.


I had worked hard building my walls.  I felt exposed and vulnerable when letting them go. 

But God is my protection and living freely is divine. 

I love this life!

Copyright 2012
Leah Lambert Smith

Marriage issues?

Ephesians 5:33:
However, let each man of you [without exception] love his wife as [being in a sense] his very own self; and let the wife see that she respects and reverences her husband [that she notices him, regards him, honors him, prefers him, venerates, and esteems him; and that she defers to him, praises him, and loves and admires him exceedingly].
(Amplified version)

Ephesians 5:33 encourages love and respect.  This gives great insight into maintaining healthy marriages.  Marriages can thrive regardless of the problems they endure as long as the man continues to love his wife and the woman continues to respect her husband.  

For example, a wife is suffering with a debilitating disease.  This is a problem affecting the whole family.  However, it is not a marriage problem unless her husband wavers in his love for her.  A man who is the sole provider for his family loses his job.  This is not a marriage problem unless his wife loses respect for him.

Showering a woman with love is a challenge for most men and consistently respecting a man is a challenge for most women.  Such are the joys of marriage!  It takes diligence to stay aware and provide these needs for your spouse.  

As I practice respecting my husband, it becomes more natural and joyful.  My eyes are now open to how much he deserves my respect.  I am humbled and honored to be married to this great man.

I love this life!

Copyright 2012 
Leah Lambert Smith